Cozy Caterpillar Family



Talking with young children about the death of a sibling or other family member can be overwhelming, especially for newly grief-stricken parents.

Beautifully illustrated, Cozy Caterpillar Family is a read-aloud book that guides families through difficult conversations to a place of hope and understanding.

Includes notes for parents, coloring, and activity pages to encourage family connection and communication during this very difficult time.

...a little book of great beauty to meet a desperate need... I can’t recommend enough Sad About Sammy as well as the lovely children’s book nestled within bring a hurting family together, strengthen bonds of trust and safety, and rebuild a shared sense of hope in the midst of a time that can feel very dark indeed. Soft-spoken and full of compassion... yet with the strength to say what must be said...could only be written by someone who has walked this painful road and who now holds out a hand for others trying to find their way. I hope that many reach out to take it.
— Dr. Steven Ater, Clinical Psychologist